At The Meadows School, we are aware of the way that PSHE supports many of the principles of safeguarding and links closely to schools Safeguarding, SMSC and British Values Policies. We are all aware of the important role the PSHE curriculum has in supporting schools to implement the 9 protected characteristics of The Equality Act 2010.

Our intent is to build a PSHCE curriculum, which develops learning, and results in the acquisition of knowledge and skills, enabling children to access the wider curriculum, work collaboratively with others and make a positive contribution to the life of the school. Our curriculum will prepare children to be a global citizen in a diverse society and prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences for later life.


Subject Curriculum Overview: Key Stage 3


Topics Covered


Living in the Wider World - PSHE introduction + Safe Learning Environment, Positive friendships and respect (on and offline), Citizenship introduction, Aspirations and Self-Esteem Being Resilient, Online safety (introduction), Introduction to Prejudice and Discrimination, Racism and Stereotypes, Equality Act + Protected Characteristics (link to LGBTQ), Fairness + Democracy, Identity and National Identity and Changing Communities

Relationships and Sex - Safe and positive relationships, Family, Roles of parents

Marriage (different types of marriage), Love, Consent and boundaries, Bullying (including cyber bullying), protecting people online, why laws are needed, criminal age of responsibility and youth crime


Health and Well-being - Introduction to healthy living, food and eating choices, puberty (emotional and physical), personal hygiene and Dental Hygiene, introduction to addiction, drugs and dangerous substances, alcohol and smoking/vaping, the law on drugs, causes of crime, antisocial behaviour, mental health + happiness/depression, anger management


Living in the Wider World - Employability, teamwork and communication, leadership, post 16 options, transition points in life, internet safety – online dangers (cyber crime), online privacy (data protection), trolling, LBGTQ, Gender Equality


Relationships and Sex - Misogyny and online influencers, Sex as choice and delaying early sex + Influences to having sex, pregnancy, contraception and sexual health, consent and sexual assault , STIS including HIV , body image, eating disorders, impact of the media (body image, reference extremism), extremism and radicalisation

Health and Well-being - Mindfulness, confidence, self-awareness, emotions, emotional literacy Personal safety, first aid, blood, organ and stem cell donation, mental health campaigns, personal development, behaviour and targets and goals


Living in the Wider World - Workplace skills, future Prospects (planning for the future), CV Writing, online reputation, personal finance - managing a household budget, debt, County Lines, criminal age of responsibility, young offenders, knife crime and justice



Relationships and Sex - Child Exploitation, FGM, Child on Child Abuse, Pornography, Image sharing (selfie safety) and Sexting, The Dark Web (online safety), Government and the Press, Fake news, Responsibilities of the media, Domestic Abuse/Sexual Violence, Sexual Harassment, Running away from home and criminal behaviour in relationships


Health and Well-being - Alcohol awareness and Addiction, Risks and dangers, Drugs, Substance abuse, Anxiety and stress, Mind-set and Sleep, Self-Harm, Personal Safety, Self-discipline, Achievement Education and distractions



Subject Curriculum Overview: Key Stage 4




Mental Health and Wellbeing - Mental Health and Wellbeing, Suicide, Social media and self esteem, Screen time, Managing time effectively, Living sustainably, Homelssness, Hate crime, Tattoos and Piercings, Binge drinking.

Health and Wellbeing / Living in the Wider World - The right career for me? Employability skills -part one, Employability skills- part two, Careers in STEM, My career? Preparing for work experience, Work experience, Rights and responsibilities, International Women's Day?

Living in the Wider World / Relationships (RSE) - Conflict management, Forced or arranged marriages, Harassment or stalking, Revenge porn, Relationships with role models, Same sex relationships, Gender and transexual identity, Community cohesion, Sexism, Parenting.




Mental Health and Wellbeing - Identity and diversity, Privilege, Obesity and body positivity, Fertility and reproductive health, Fertility and reproductive health, CPR, Perseverance and procrastination, Importance of sleep, Risk taking and decision making, Gambling and online gambling, Digital footprints, Personal safety in the wider world.

Living in the Wider World - Animal rights and sustainability, Pollution,plastics and environment, Globalisation, Multiculturalism - (British values), Right-wing extremism, Internet safety. The dark web! Cybercrime, Revision and study skills, Applying to a College or University, Independent living, Preparing for job interviews, Health and safety at work, Trade Unions.

Relationships (RSE) - Bullying and body shaming, Different types of relationships, Consent, Rape and sexual harrasment, What is good sex and chemical sex? What is safe sex and chemical sex? Relationship break-ups! Happiness and positivity.


Qualification Pathway





NCFE Level 1 & 2

Relationships, Sex and Health Education.

The Meadows Academy
Whitworth Road
County Durham
DL16 7QW

Tel: 01388 811178


Horizons Specialist Academy Trust is a company limited by guarantee (Company No 08608287) and exempt charity registered in England and Wales.

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